Monday, April 26, 2010

What happens at Singlespeed-a-Palooza

Typical East Coast weather was in store for this years race, Sorry Dejay.
Call ups are cool. Not having to sit at the start line for 20 minutes in the rain allows us to maintain a sunny disposition. Just a little tip, Leave the trainer at home and invest in some rain gear to warm up in. It will keep you nice and dry while warming up on the greasy trails.
Nice pic, I think this was first lap. James was just off to my right (taking the wrong line), I kept my mouth shut. Do you blame me?

This was the flavor of the day. No it's not my bike, my bike was completely clean due to my excessive use of lemon pledge the night before.

Suck in that gut for the cameras. This pic makes me look like a real cyclist (big ass). Don't ya think?

1st place on the day and lots of fun had by all. What more can you ask for? I'm actually having a hard time finding the words to go along with this story (the mud must have seeped into my brain) so all I'm gonna say is "What happens at SSAP stays at SSAP." If you want to know what its all about, cobble a bike together and sign up next year. You won't be disappointed.

Note: Photo credit George, Talented guy..check it out....


  1. Nice one Mike.
    Which races will you be at in the near future?
    (So I can avoid them.)


  2. good seeing you out there. keep it up.

  3. Mike- they are my pictures.
    Holy shit man- you were animal out there on the first lap. It was strong.
    Here are the rest of my pictures:

  4. the first picture is from the 2nd lap. That cat was on you tight on the first lap- he would have been right on you if it was from the first lap.

  5. That's what separates the Pros from the amateurs; I use store brand furniture polish and you use Pledge (and a million watts).

  6. I also us lemon Pledge. I guess I shouldn't have polished up my roters the night before. Wrong line indeed. Even the second lap I forgot to go left. I guess that's why you won. HA Ha! Way to go Man!
